Never Erased album art

Never Erased

Say-10 Records' compilation of queer punk rock artists, featuring S*xual by Dog Park Dissidents. Listen to our song here, check out the rest of the album at Say-10.

Full CompilationOrder on Vinyl
  1. 1. S*xual

released July 29, 2022

Written by Zac Xeper, Jon Greco, and Joe Bove

Lead Vocals by Zac Xeper
Guitar, Synth, and Backing Vocals by Jon Greco
Bass by Joe Bove
Drums by Mike Costa

Mixed by Tom Colello
Mastered by Jack Shirley

Copyright © 2022 Dog Park Dissidents
Licensed under Creative Commons 
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


  A gay executive 
  Froze every sex worker's online payment account
  He used their money 
  To throw a massive orgy at his house
  From his Herman Miller rim seat
  An IV bag labeled "twink blood" overhead
  He bans the Instagrammers
  Who are drawing furry porn to pay their bills
  From talking to their friends
  Do you know what it is like
  Being caged in bits and bytes
  They'll take your soul offline
  The moment you step out of line
  For being too s-asterisk-x-u-a-l
  Close the Eagle and replace it
  With a warehouse full of faceless
  Straights in collared shirts who pretend
  To be AIs for starvation wages
  Scanning profile pics for hints of dicks
  While Steve Jobs floats on the River Styx
  And cries up from the great beyond
  "I hope that all the porn's still gone!"
  Now instead of having sex
  We just get unemployment checks
  And fret about what's "safe for work"
  If they'll still let us post anymore
  Do you know what it is like
  Being caged in bits and bytes
  They'll take your soul offline
  The moment you step out of line
  For being too s-asterisk-x-u-a-l
  We disconnected, in hopes that we'd be healed
  If we just went outside
  So they took the outside, they put a logo on it
  And sold us back our pride
  Now there's just broken kids
  And trauma victims holding hands with Puritans
  In a sad alliance with the ones
  Who say that homophobia would end
  If we put on some pants
  Do you know what it is like
  Being caged in bits and bytes
  They'll take your soul offline
  The moment you step out of line
  For being too s-asterisk-x-u-a-l

released July 29, 2022

Written by Zac Xeper, Jon Greco, and Joe Bove

Lead Vocals by Zac Xeper
Guitar, Synth, and Backing Vocals by Jon Greco
Bass by Joe Bove
Drums by Mike Costa

Mixed by Tom Colello
Mastered by Jack Shirley

Copyright © 2022 Dog Park Dissidents
Licensed under Creative Commons 
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International